Star Sailor is a fantastic adventure story that begins with an imaginative eight-year-old girl called Eve whose parents regularly and unapologetically ship her off to stay with her unpleasant Aunt Fanny who lives in a small, dark, creaky cottage just outside a sleepy town in England called West Broom. Eve doesn’t have many friends and with her parents away all the time she feels rather lonely. So, she looks up to the stars to find mystery and wonder.
Eve doesn’t think for a moment that her life could ever change until she meets a wise old owl named Sol who shows her that the sky is not the limit. The reader is transported on a magical and inspiring journey off-world to IMAGINARIUM, where our world is seen from above. The message at the heart of this book is about friendship, overcoming fear, and waking up from a deep slumber through expressions of hope, courage, love, and connection! It reminds us that we are all Star Sailors riding through the vast universe on a heroic journey.
To add a little extra magic dust, interviews that Frank and Annahita have conducted with real-life astronauts about the Overview Effect experience (the life-changing experience of seeing first-hand planet Earth from a distance) are woven throughout the story.
There is no getting away from the fact that we are fast approaching a future where the first humans will go on interplanetary missions. The stories we create and tell our children are vitally important in shaping this future and should reflect the world they are about to enter. By creating narratives that inspire and empower young people around the world, we hope to play a small part in showing them that there is not only a world but an entire Universe filled with possibilities. If you, your students, or children are fans of Calvin and Hobbes, Harry Potter, Star Wars, or comic book superheroes… the first volume of The Overview Effect Chronicles is for you. Ad Astra!
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